Routine Exposures Associated With Military Deployment Are Associated With Debilitating Chronic Disease


  • Haran Ratna James J Peters Bronx Veterans Affairs


The Problem

Military deployment is associated with many health risks.  The passage of the 2022 PACT Act by the Biden Administration, many of the gaps in addressing toxic exposures within the VHA system have been addressed.  However, the addition of several new layers of bureaucracy is not ideal.

Purpose of Review

  • Highlight some of the known environmental exposures associated with military deployment
  • Promote policy change to meet the needs of our armed services
  • Encourage military cultural competence.

Key Points

  • Blast and overpressure exposure has been linked to structural white matter brain changes independent to the presence of overt symptomology.
  • Repeat blast and overpressure exposure has been associated with build-up of proteins which result in neurodegenerative disease.
  • Troops are routinely exposed to chemicals which have been established to be carcinogenic.


  • The PACT Act shifts the onus of proving causality between causality and toxic exposure from the patients onto the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). However, the new requirements put upon the VHA require additional layers of bureaucracy whose additional funding can only happen through an act of Congress.
  • A policy of military cultural competence must be embraced by healthcare in order to best address the needs of clientele with a history of military deployment.
  • The health complications associated with military service should be disclosed to potential military applicants prior to enrollment.


