Space Pads: Unifying Public Art and Public Health


  • Hannah Jeoung Student


space pads, public art, public health, public safety, COVID, philadelphia


This article examines the relationship between public art and public health in the context of the pandemic. It utilizes a case study, "Space Pads", created by Philadephia artists and prominently displayed in the city's public environments. First, the paper explores the relationship between health and art, as well as comparing this connection across different mediums and in relation to community engagement. Next, the author seeks to examine the pros and cons of incorporating COVID-19 related public art, as it both reminds individuals of safe practices yet also serves as a potentially anxious reminder of the pandemic. It then dicusses the larger implications of having such public art in a city widely known for healthcare inequities and locational segregation, as well as the representation that "Space Pads" offers to the public. Finally, the article delves into how the creators may improve outreach through shifting towards digital public spaces. 


