Pathological Periods

Analysis of the Limited Discourse and Stigmatization of Menstruation


  • Hannah Jeoung Student


menstruation, mass media, stigma, limited discourse


This paper discusses the limited discourse and stigmatization of menstruation through the use of a case study, "Period 2015" by Rudi Kaur. It initally delves into the formation of menstruation as a stigma and its current impacts on society, before examining the ways that mass media has perpetuated these stigmas through limiting discourse. These include both through actively associating menstruation with negative terms, or through the censorship of media (specifically Instagram reporting) that contains references or depications of menstruation. Lastly, the discussion shifts towards the implications of this phenomenon in the medical field and how it is correlated with the neglect of research on women's health and how this may be rectified through increasing visibility on menstruation in media. 


