Social Implications of the Yosemite Hantavirus Outbreak


  • Michelle Bach Stanford University


In 2012, Hantavirus—an RNA virus that is commonly carried by mice—impacted overnight tourists who camped at Yosemite National Park. I will be exploring the particular cultural and historical setting of Hantavirus, specifcally Sin Nombre virus. Literature regarding the Yosemite Hantavirus outbreak will answer two essential questions: 1) What are the short-term societal impacts of the Yosemite outbreak? 2) What are the long-term societal impacts of the Yosemite outbreak? These two questions will be analyzed based on the contexts of local versus global impacts and positive versus negative impacts. By understanding the impacts of Hantavirus on the surrounding community, I hope to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of current and past response protocols and encourage more effective preparation for future Hantavirus outbreaks.

Author Biography

  • Michelle Bach, Stanford University

    Stanford University

