A Case Study of Linguistic Manipulation in Exxon’s Corpus of Internal and Public Communications as Discourse Strategy to Neutralize Public Opposition


  • Sridhar Thiru student


The increase in scientific research in the late 1900s prompted questioning in Exxon, an oil giant, on the ethics of their operations. Exxon responded with numerous public statements and documents that shed off accusations and critics. Exxon was able to operate despite numerous obstacles for decades. The linguistic strategies of epistemic modality, first person plural personal pronouns, and textual complexity implemented in these stated texts highlight a trend of functioning to cast doubt and prevent opposition. A case study of primary documents shared internally and publicly highlighted major differences in the textual metafunction of grammatical items and the variances in lexical structure. The vast difference in informational output despite similar visual texts gives reason for analyzing a discourse industry strategy Exxon successfully utilized to nullify the mass outcries of hazardous operations.






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