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Author Guidelines

NOTE: Intersect currently has a large backlog of students submissions that we are working through the peer review process prior to possible publication. We can not handle any new papers at this point. We have temporarily closed submissions.


Information for Authors

Intersect: The Stanford Journal of Science, Technology, and Society is a student-run, peer-reviewed academic research journal based at Stanford University. Intersect aims to bring interdisciplinary scholarly work at the intersection of science, technology, and society to our ever-broadening readership. We are privileged to publish research by both undergraduates and graduate students from institutions around the world: submissions are not limited to Stanford affiliates. Intersect is published online at on a quarterly to biannual basis. These published articles are included within the Google Scholar database, and are regularly cited.

Relevant Submissions

Intersect publishes scholarly study at the intersection of science, technology, and society: successful submissions will typically focus on this intersection. Although manuscripts accepted to the journal may not address all of these components, or may not address all of them in depth, generally submissions that only address one of these components will not be accepted. Additionally, a journalistic approach is not appropriate for full articles. Successful submissions are academically rigorous, and incorporate recent scholarly work in a cohesive, succinct, and readable article that provides ample evidence for any claims, and cites relevant academic research. Please contact the editing team if you have any questions about whether your work is appropriate for submission to the journal.

Expectations of Authors

Since Intersect is student-run, student-edited, and peer-reviewed by Stanford professors, undergraduates, and graduate students, it makes considerable demands on the publication team's time. Reviewers, who tend to be academic experts with considerable other obligations, contribute their time with enormous generosity. Accordingly, the editing team asks authors to be responsive during the publication process. The publication team may reject an article, regardless of its previous status, if the author remains unresponsive for more than one week. Additionally, Intersect does not allow simultaneous submission of articles submitted to Intersect to another journal, and will reject articles found to have been simultaneously submitted to other journals,regardless of their status. Finally, it is highly discouraged to withdraw an article once it has been submitted. Authors who withdraw articles after they are accepted to Intersect may face penalties during the decision-making process for their future submissions to Intersect. Authors are expected to comply with the editorial process and revise their work collaboratively with the Intersect team during the quarter for which they have submitted. Failure to edit submissions in timeframe for the issue warrants rejection of the paper by the editing team.

How to Submit:

1) Go to
2) Click register on the top gold bar.
3) Fill out the form provided. Click Author under Register As.
4) Click the link under Start a New Submission.
5) Fill out each form as prompted.

Guidelines on Article Components


Intersect requires the submission of abstracts along with manuscripts. Abstracts should generally be under 250 words, and concisely summarize the central question of your research, the methodology of your research, your results, and the conclusions you drew from those results, along with any relevant implications of these conclusions. Please include a copy of your abstract within your manuscript, and submit another copy when prompted on the submission website.


Generally, manuscripts should not be longer than 25 double-spaced pages, and Intersect welcomes submissions of any shorter length. Please do not include your name in your manuscript.


Images should be high-quality, and text within images should remain readable. Images reproduced from another source should be cited.


Sources should primarily be academic work published in scholarly journals. All submissions to Intersect should include these citations. Occasionally, journalism, literature, websites, advertisements, or other material may be appropriate as well, but the article should retain a strong scholarly bent.


Citations should be in APA format. Accordingly, quoted, paraphrased, or summarized material should be cited parenthetically in-text, with a full bibliographic entry within a "References section. For more information, please see, view the example submission provided on the website. Please contact the editorial team if you have questions about appropriate citation format. Example citations are provided below.
Please note that Intersect has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. Although we are happy to work with you during the editing process to assist with citation formatting and placement, we will immediately reject any paper that plagiarizes the work of others, regardless of its status at the time.

Example parenthetical citations:

For quoted material:

A distinct culture developed—work-obsessed and male-dominant, where "the two modal patterns in the Valley as of 1980 were male business-as-usual and male hacker" (Matthews, 2002, p. 207).

(From "The Obstacles of Female Entrepeneurship in Silicon Valley," by Kiana Hui, Intersect Vol. 7., No. 2 (2014))

For paraphrased material:

Though in 1967, prohibition was abolished on the grounds of legal discrimination, the controversy over government involvement is ongoing (Brady, Byrne, & Henderson, 2003).

(From "Beating the Grog" by Sharon Barazani, Intersect Vol. 7, No. 2 (2014))

Note: Four or more authors may be cited parenthetically ONLY as "et al," i.e.:

According to editor-in-chief Jordan Shapiro, Intersect has grown by leaps and bounds (Shapiro et al., 2015).

Example "References" entry:

Hau, D., & Swenson, A. (2013). Gendered Innovations in Energy and Environmental Media. Intersect: The Stanford Journal of Science, Technology and Society, 6(2).


Expectations for submitting a manuscript after review:

  • Please update your manuscript and provide 2 versions:
    • 1 version with changes made (make changes in red text).
    • Final version as you would like it to be published.
  • Please provide a brief letter that includes:
    • Major summary of changes.
    • A point-by-point response to your reviewers. Follow each bullet point with how you have responded in your revised manuscript.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • If the submission is accepted, I agree to work with the Intersect editing team to prepare this paper for publication in the timeframe of the issue for which it was submitted. This may require paper revisions and edits. If I fail to do so, I recognize that the editing team is warranted in rejecting my paper.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal. (Note: This also means that the text should adhere to APA Style as dictated by
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review (removal of name and authorship information from the document) have been followed.
  • I have read the Intersect Author Guidelines below.

Research Articles

These articles report on original research conducted by the authors or are review articles that synethesize, organize and draw conclusions about a field of research. They should be 4,000-6,000 words in length, including the bibliography, with tables and figures welcomed.


Opinion-oriented works (typically less research-intensive than articles)

Honors Theses Excerpts

Excerpts from honors theses written for departmental or interdisciplinary honors programs. All references within an excerpt must be fully documented.

Multimedia Artifacts

Design-intensive works (for example, videos, web sites, user interfaces, technology design projects)

Book Reviews

Reviews of recent and older books of relevance and import for the field of STS are welcomed. Reviews, of close to 1,000 words, should be headed by complete bibliographic information on the book, including price. They should take a position on the book's contribution to STS, considering the work's value and relevance, its style and method, as well as its shortcomings. These reviews are intended to serve as a helpful guide for our principal audience of students in this field.


STS-related interviews with faculty, students or people in industry. If interested, contact the Managing Editor to discuss the format and content of the interview.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.