Performing American Eugenics


  • Margaret O'Connor University at Albany SUNY


Scholars attribute the origins of eugenics, meaning “good genes,” to Francis Galton, who outlined processes of purification through selective breeding. This movement gained popularity in the United States at the turn of the twentieth century, led by biologist Charles Davenport. However, this manuscript will interpret how the movement has contributed to how American institutions view people of color, people with disabilities, and the corresponding stereotypes and expectations of what an American ought to be. I will examine Susan Glaspell’s 1921 play, Inheritors, and argue how its treatment of immigrants and marginalized groups promotes the eugenics movement. Glaspell’s (1921) play is particularly unique because it is typically viewed as a work of feminist drama; however, the eugenics movement seems to be antifeminist. By viewing her play under a eugenic lens, we are better able to understand the relationship between women’s rights and the eugenics movement. In prioritizing those who get to reproduce, and therefore, continue in American society, Glaspell’s Inheritors (1921) promotes the privileges granted to those who can live within the society’s socio-political expectations while exterminating those who cannot. Through this manuscript, I hope to raise awareness of the eugenic undertones in media by examining the ways in which a progressive play can be used to support eugenic ideology.

Furthermore, Glaspell’s (1921) play is particularly unique because it is typically viewed as a work of feminist drama; however, the eugenics movement seems to be wildly anitfeminist. By viewing her play under a eugenic lens, we are better able to understand the relationship between women’s rights and the eugenics movement. In prioritizing those who get to reproduce, and therefore, continue in American society, Glaspell’s Inheritors (1921) promotes the privileges granted to those who can live within the society’s socio-political expectations while exterminating those who cannot. Through this thesis, I hope to raise awareness of the eugenic undertones in media by examining the ways in which a popular play can be used to support eugenic ideology.






Honors Theses Excerpts