Access to Healthcare and the need for Healthcare Education


  • Tanvee Sinha University of Alabama at Birmingham


Through personal medical hardships as well as medical volunteer experiences, I've concluded that access to health care should be a fundamental right that everyone has access to. In this piece, I showcase evidence proving that while most people in the U.S. have access to emergency care, there is a lack of emphasis on preventative care, both physical and mental. A primary factor for not having health insurance is the financial burden that it imposes. To deny a person access to medical care due to lack of personal funds is not only inhumane, but also goes against the advancement of a nation. I analyze these healthcare disparities and lack of education and list out numerous solutions that I, as a future physician would like to work towards in order to expand access to healthcare, as it should be a basic right. Specifically, I explore this work through time given in clinics, time management to maximize patient care, and utilizing video resources, as we are slowly bridging into given COVID-19. Even though increased access to caregivers would benefit all, children especially would benefit from it since keeping them healthy in their developmental ages has a major impact on the rest of their futures.






