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Author Guidelines

Types of Submissions

  • Papers/Essays: Very similar to research articles, though can be grounded in areas other than research. Papers written for classes, such as PWR, are welcomed. They should be 2000 - 3000 words in length. 
  • Research Articles: These articles report on original research conducted by the authors or are review articles that synthesize, organize and draw conclusions about a field of research. They should be 4,000-6,000 words in length, including the bibliography, with tables and figures welcomed. Additionally, there should be a 150-200 word abstract. Research articles will be peer-reviewed, so a Blind Review must be ensured(removal of name and authorship information from the document).     
  • Editorials: Opinion-oriented works that take a position on issues in education (typically less research-intensive than articles). They should be less than 2000 words in length.  
  • Interviews: Edited transcript of interview with expert, stakeholder, community organizer in education about an education-related issue. Should include a short bio of the interviewee, including name, title, position, research/focus area, and other relevant information. Must also send an audio file as well. 
  • Multimedia: Design-intensive works (for example, art pieces, cartoons, technology design projects), with a description of creation process and relevance to education included.
  • Creative work: Original creations such as children's stories, fiction, short stories, and poems related to education, with a description of creation process and relevance to education included.
  • Thesis Chapter: Excerpts from honors theses written for departmental or interdisciplinary honors programs. All references within an excerpt must be fully documented. Thesis chapters will be peer-reviewed, so a Blind Review must be ensured(removal of name and authorship information from the document). 
  • Book Reviews: Reviews of recent and older books of relevance and import for the field of education are welcomed. Reviews, of close to 1000 words, should be headed by complete bibliographic information on the book, including price. They should take a position on the book's contribution to education, considering the work's value and relevance, its style and method, as well as its shortcomings. These reviews are intended to serve as a helpful guide for our principal audience of students in this field. 
  • Bilingual pieces: Any of the above categories are open to bilingual submissions. Arrangements can be made for translation. 

The standard bibliographic format for education research is APA. Accordingly, quoted, paraphrased, or summarized material should be cited parenthetically in-text, with a full bibliographic entry within a "References" section. Please visit: APA Tutorials at APA Style or the Purdue Online Writing Lab

Cutting Edge has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. Our team is happy to assist you with citation formating and placement, but we will immediately reject any submission that plagiarizes the work of others, regardless of its status.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • If the submission is accepted, I agree to work with the Cutting Edge editing team to prepare this paper for publication in the timeframe of the issue for which it was submitted. This may require paper revisions and edits. If I fail to do so, I recognize that the editing team is warranted in rejecting my paper.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission falls under one of the submission types listed below in Author Guidelines.
  • The submission is in Microsoft Word format. The text is double-spaced; follows the word limits for its submission type; uses a 12-point Times New Roman font; has 1-inch margins; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines and provides a complete bibliography of all works cited. (Text should adhere to APA Style,
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

Personal Essay

Very similar to research articles, though can be grounded in areas other than research. Papers written for classes, such as PWR, are welcomed. They should be 2000 - 3000 words in length. 



Opinion-oriented works that take a position on issues in education (typically less research-intensive than articles). They should be less than 2000 words in length.  


Edited transcript of interview with expert, stakeholder, community organizer in education about an education-related issue. Should include a short bio of the interviewee, including name, title, position, research/focus area, and other relevant information. Must also send an audio file as well. 

Creative Writing

Original creations such as children's stories, fiction, short stories, and poems related to education, with a description of creation process and relevance to education included.



Design-intensive works (for example, art pieces, cartoons, technology design projects), with a description of creation process and relevance to education included.

Thesis Chapter

Excerpts from honors theses written for departmental or interdisciplinary honors programs. All references within an excerpt must be fully documented. Thesis chapters will be peer-reviewed, so a Blind Review must be ensured(removal of name and authorship information from the document). 

Book Review

Reviews of recent and older books of relevance and import for the field of education are welcomed. Reviews, of close to 1000 words, should be headed by complete bibliographic information on the book, including price. They should take a position on the book's contribution to education, considering the work's value and relevance, its style and method, as well as its shortcomings. These reviews are intended to serve as a helpful guide for our principal audience of students in this field. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.