Divine Drag: Unveiling Ascetic Afflictions through Hierarchy, Race, and Queerness


  • Carolyn Ky Stanford Undergraduate Student


Early Christian Asceticism, Sexuality, Queerness, critical race studies, demonology


Inspired by Dr. Mike Chin's innovative essay collection, where he invited ancient historians to explore the workings of a chosen concept in the ancient world through a single word, this paper applies a similar approach to investigate early Christian asceticism. Focused on the theme of "representation," the study examines hagiographies, rule books, and encounters with demons to uncover how ascetics externalized inner struggles related to sexuality, power dynamics, and spiritual excellence. It explores how these struggles manifested as representations of hierarchies, queerness, and race within the ascetic landscape. Furthermore, the paper explores the impact of representation on communal dynamics, reputation management, and the negotiation of statuses within ascetic hierarchical communities. In adopting this approach, the study aims to shed light on the intricate and diverse nature of representation within the context of early Christian asceticism.


