Preventing Cervical Cancer: Stakeholder Attitudes toward fastHPV-Screening Programs in Roi-Et Province, Thailand


  • Lee A. Trope Author


cancer, fastHPV, VIA


Objective: To assess which of five fastHPV-inclusive protocols stakeholders in Roi-et province, Thailand found 1) most preferable and 2) most beneficial to the overall goal of reducing cervical cancer.


Design: Five fastHPV-inclusive cancer prevention approaches were presented to a convenience sample of colposcopists, trainers, healthcare providers, district medical directors and district health officers. Participants ranked their preference for each Plan (A-E) compared to the current screening protocol and also the perceived comparative benefit of the plans. Plans differed in whether every patient was screened using both the HPV test and VIA or only HPV-positive women were screened with VIA; in clinician vs. self-swab; and in hospital/clinic-based or village-based screening.


Results: Overall, participants supported an innovative plan in which women would be screened in their homes and villages using the self-swab version of the fastHPV DNA test, and only those who screened positive for HPV would be screened with VIA.






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